Home > Cow & Gate Instant Carobel (from birth)

Cow & Gate Instant Carobel (from birth)

Cow & Gate Instant Carobel is a food for special medical purposes (FSMP). It is an instant gelling or thickening agent prepared using carob bean gum and can be used in the dietary management of the following conditions:

  • Infantile vomiting and regurgitation (posseting) when no organic cause is known
  • Habitual and recurrent vomiting, e.g. gastro-oesophageal reflux
  • Rumination

Cow & Gate Instant Carobel should only be used under medical supervision. All instructions for preparation and use should be followed carefully. Not suitable as a sole source of nutrition. For enteral use only.

Maltodextrin, Carob bean gum, Calcium carbonate, Iron sulphate, Zinc sulphate.

The following a guide only; quantities can easily be adjusted to meet individual requirements. Cow & Gate Instant Carobel thickens cold or hand warms liquids.

As a spoonfeed
Use this method with breastfed infants, and possibly bottlefed infants. Prepare a thick gel and feed in small quantities with a spoon before and during the infant milk feed.

To prepare a thicker gel, add 3 level scoops of Cow & Gate Instant Carobel to 60ml (2fl oz) of warm, previously boiled water. Stir well and leave to thicken for 3-4 minutes. Stir again and feed immediately.

In a bottlefeed
For a thin bottlefeed, add 1/2 scoop of Cow & Gate Instant Carobel to 90ml (3fl oz) to provide 1% concentration. For a thicker bottlefeed add 1 scoop of Cow & Gate Instant Carobel to 60ml (2fl oz) which provides a 3% concentration. Shake well and leave to thicken for 3-4 minutes. Shake feed again and feed immediately.

For both spoonfed and bottlefed infants Cow & Gate Instant Carobel will continue to thicken for 10-15 minutes. For a thicker feed, add one scoop at a time shaking after each addition and waiting 3-4 minutes until the desired consistency is achieved.

NB: The teat will require a larger hole than normal when feeding a thickened bottlefeed. Alternatively, a variable flow (split) teat may be used.

Download the Thickening infant formula (powder) with Instant Carobel in line with the IDDSI (International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative) document here.

1. Cow & Gate Instant Carobel is suitable for full term infants, children and adults. We do not recommend using Cow & Gate Instant Carobel with preterm or low birthweight infants, as there is no clinical data available to support its use.

2. Thickened feeds are not usually helpful in obstructive lesions, such as pyloric steonosis, or in gastroenteritis.

3. When introducing Cow & Instant Carobel to a galactosaemic infant, the red cell galactose-1-phosphate content should be monitored.

4. A minority of infants receiving the products may pass frequent loose stools. In this situation, withdraw the product from the diet until stools are back to normal. Reintroduce Cow & Gate Instant Carobel gradually, increasing the quantity according to individual tolerance.

5. Cow & Gate Instant Carobel requires 3-4 minutes to thicken. Additional Cow & Gate Instant Carobel should only be added after this time avoid over-thickening.

Important notice

Instant Carobel is suitable for full-term infants, children and adults. We do not recommend to use Instant Carobel with preterm or low birthweight babies and there is no clinical data available to support its use with these infants. Only to be used under medical supervision. All instructions for preparation and use should be followed carefully. Not suitable as a sole source of nutrition. In the interest of good dental hygiene, clean your baby’s teeth regularly, especially before bedtime. For enteral use only.

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